Best Low Carb Diet Plan For Beginners

Low Carb Diet: 

What is the Best Low Carb Diet Plan?

Low carbohydrate diets or Low Carb Diet is a relatively restrictive kind of diet. It restricts consumption of foods high in carbohydrates (e.g. sugary and starchy foods like bread, pasta or pastries). Instead, carbs is replaced with healthy sources of fats and proteins (e.g. fish, poultry, meat, cheese, eggs, seeds or nuts) and low carb and fibrous vegetables (e.g. spinach, chard, kale, broccoli or cauliflower).

There is really no standard as to how much carbs a low-carb diet includes. But the American Academy of Family Physicians, says that when carbs contents in food is less than 20% then it can be considered low-carb.

Weight Loss

The most significant benefit that a low-carb diet can give is Weight Loss.  Strong evidence suggests that due to calorie restrictions in low-carbohydrates dieting it can prevent weight gain, combats obesity and results in weight loss.

When a person is overweight, weight loss is an integral part of physical fitness. When a person loses weight, it means a loss of body fluids, body fat (adipose tissue) or lean mass (muscle, connective tissues or bone minerals.) When weight loss is consciously done in order to achieve health and physical fitness, it is called Slimming.

There are numerous Slimming methods available. Foremost is a diet plan. In the forefront of these diet plans is the Low-Carb, High-Fat, Medium-Protein Diet Plan or what is popularly known as the “Keto”diet. Of all low-carb diets, Ketogenic dieting is the most extreme yet also the most effective when done properly and quickly.

The Ketogenic Diet

Best Low Carb Diet Plan


The Ketogenic Diet or what we call the KETO is the most popular diet with food composition that is high-fat, low-carb and  adequate-protein.  Weight loss is fast and effective in a Keto diet mainly because of its restrictive method of dieting and significantly due to the process called ketosis which triggers fat burn in the body called Ketosis.

Aside from weight loss, a keto diet also has other health benefits. A journal by the  Experimental & Clinical Cardiology, showed that a keto diet on obese patients greatly helped in lowering their BMI (body mass index) and weight loss. It was also observed that  their blood sugar and triglycerides levels and LDL (low-density lipoprotein) dropped.


What is Ketosis?

The carbohydrate content in the food we eat once digested are converted by the body into glucose or simple sugar. Now, the body will use glucose to energize its essential processes and most especially support the functions of the brain. In a restricted diet like the Keto diet,  carbohydrate intake is lessened so the liver begins to convert fats into ketones and  fatty acids as energy sources to make up for the lack of glucose in the body, to fuel it’s essential physiological functions. When ketones reach an elevated level, the body goes into what is called Ketosis. When in ketosis, it simply means that the body is burning fat instead of glucose. Because of this ketosis, most dieters on a Ketogenic diet have lost a significant amount of weight.

What Is Contained in a Ketogenic Diet? 

The Ketogenic Diet is akin to an Atkins diet. While the Atkins diet  is low in carbs and fats but high in protein the Ketogenic Diet however is rather low in carbohydrates, moderate in protein but high in fat. Generally a Keto Meal could give you a meal proportion of  75% fat, 20% protein and 5% carbohydrates.

Surprised that it’s extremely high in fat?  This is natural in a ketogenic diet because the diet is trying to substitute glucose in carbs with ketones in fats to put your body in ketosis or fat burning.

If you have certain health concerns about a high-fat diet that is perfectly understandable. It has been said that fat is unhealthy. This is true specially with animal-based or derived fat. However, a good Keto Diet Plan gets its fats and protein from healthy sources which is usually plant-based, such as fats from olive oil, coconut oil or avocados and proteins from meat, poultry and fish. Hopefully this can address your concerns. Besides, a Keto meal suggestion necessarily incorporates some meat, seafoods, eggs, dairy products, nuts and vegetables.

Check these Keto Meal Recipes to get an idea of how to prepare Keto Dishes.

Also a good Keto Diet Plan must be quick, effective and not long term. It means it is able to give you results quickly or in a short span of time after which you shift to a less restrictive and equally healthy diet plan.  That is why the 28-Day Keto Challenge is the best Keto Diet Plan you can avail of. It is effective, short term and guaranteed results for weight loss. Remember that weight loss is not even a question when correctly doing a Keto Diet .  What you need to be mindful of are these 3 important reminders when doing a Keto Diet:

Tip #1 – Keto Dieting Should Not Be Long-Term

The most significant benefit you can get out of a Ketogenic diet is losing those excess pounds. Weight loss is highly assured in a Ketogenic Diet. When in ketosis the body burns fat and you lose weight quickly.

The 28-Day Keto Challenge is one Ketogenic Diet guide that is short term  designed to assist you in your first month of Keto dieting and assure you best results by effectively using the ketosis process in your body.  Although people differ in their adaptability to a keto diet and their ultimate weight loss results, the 28-Day Keto Challenge assures your weight loss even for just a week into the program.  To get to your ideal weight using the 28-Day Keto Challenge, you need only to faithfully follow the guides and recommendations and you will surely lose weight.


Click Here To See The 28-Day Keto Challenge

Best Low Carb Diet Plan


Tip #2 – Take a Vitamin & Mineral Supplement 

What is significant with the28-Day Keto Challenge is that it is short term. Long term deprivation of carbohydrates and protein in the diet is not highly recommended because it can cause a person to lack in certain nutrients that the body needs. It is for this reason that when in a diet, especially when it is restrictive in nature, the dieter must alway take a Vitamin and Mineral Supplement.

#3 – Exercise or Do Weight Training

When on a Ketogenic Diet, weight loss comes naturally. Remember that when we lose weight, we lose body fluids, muscle and bone minerals.

Whatever slimming methods or diet plans one chooses and weight loss occurs, what is initially lost is body water. Body water stored in excess goes first and this can immediately tip the scale and give the dieter some health benefits.  However, when the body also starts losing lean mass or muscle, and bone minerals as weight loss continues, our help is needed here.

To compensate for loss in bone minerals during weight loss, it has been recommended previously that it is essential for you to take Vitamin and Mineral Supplements. Check the list provided for you so you can choose one that suits your needs.

The other thing that needs your attention is how to prevent muscle loss. As the body continues to lose weight while you’re on a ketogenic diet, you also lose lean mass. And you can combat this with exercise or weight training. You don’t want to lose weight and be saggy, rather you want to fit and be sexy.

Although it is not necessary to exercise in order to lose weight when on a ketogenic diet, because just by being on a keto diet and are doing the instructions faithfully, you assuredly will lose weight.  Exercise and weight training helps you prevent muscle loss or at least engage in a form of physical activity.

How Can I Lose Weight With A Ketogenic Diet? 

It is actually very simple! Carbs are broken down by the body into glucose. Glucose is used as energy to fuel the body’s physiological processes. Eating too much carbohydrates means more sugar is being broken down as glucose.  When more glucose goes into the bloodstream, insulin spikes up and these are stored in the body as fats. In short, the more carbs in sugary and starchy foods we eat, the fatter we become.

The moment we shift to a Ketogenic Diet such as the 28-Day Keto Challenge, the spike in insulin  due to a high carbohydrate diet is lowered. When diet is low in carbs but high in fats like the Ketogenic Diet, the body is placed in a metabolic state where stored fats are converted into ketones. These ketones fuel the body as energy. The less carbohydrates there are in a diet the more the body uses fat to produce ketones for energy and fuel. This dramatically is how one loses weight.

Low-Carb Diet and Intermittent Fasting

For those who are physically fit and want to lose weight fast, you can combine a Low-Carb Diet or Ketogenic Diet with Intermittent Fasting (IF). Intermittent Fasting is one alternative diet plan that is equally effective and proven to result in weight loss.  While Keto brings your body to ketosis to burn fat, Intermittent Fasting on the other hand puts your body on a period of fasting to trigger weight loss.

In one of the guidebooks of the 28-Day Keto Challenge, they have provided a healthy and safe way to combine these 2 effective diet programs, Keto and Intermittent Fasting.

For a single write-up and review of the effectiveness of Intermittent Fasting, Check it here:

If you want to start a Ketogenic Diet, try the 28-Day Keto Challenge, because it can greatly help you on your initial stages doing the ketogenic diet. Your body needs to adjust and adapt to the Keto diet most specially if it has been used to large carbs intake. With these adjustments, you need to be well informed and trained how to help your body transition to Ketosis. What is advantageous with the  28-Day Keto Challenge, is that it has a refund guarantee. You can always claim your money back if it does not work for you.


Click Here To View The  28-Day Keto Challenge Review

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